Although I've never been a club member of Apeldoornse Ren- en Toeristenvereniging De Adelaar, I've raced against those guys since 1979 and I've carefully made my first laps of track cycling on their outdoor track. Today, I can still call their indoor track in Omnisportcentrum my hometrack, although the Amsterdam (Sloten) track is almost at the same distance and it's since 2019 or so that I've done my last laps on the track.
But owning a Reco track bike (by Ben Regter, RIP), I can almost justify having a nice 1970s-1980s (???) Adelaar - Race Shop Harry Rodink club jersey and wearing it on special occasions.
2nd photo: me (WSV Emmen), leading in front of Charles Veenhuizen in Wierden, 1980.
Vito Di Tano RIP
1 week ago