These pedals could be used in 2 different ways. With racing shoes and shoe cleats as normal racing pedals, but with special plastic inserts with running shoes or any other kind of footwear.
These pedals never became a bit hit, because triathletes used road racing shoes and a bit later, clipless pedals were invented.
But nowadays, these PD-T100 pedals have been discontinued for ages have become pretty rare, it seems that people start to admire the pedals and praise the features. Anyway, these pedals are rare and hard to get.
Why have I been after a pair of these pedals?
For most of the riders, these pedals suck. It's a lot better to have regular quill pedals with clips and straps or clipless pedals like Shimano SPD or Time ATAC.
But for my 7 years old kid (changing shoe size every year and I'm not willing to buy him a new set of cycling shoes yearly) these PD-T100 pedals could be a great solution. He can ride with regular shoes, no chance that he will get injuries due to teethed MTB quill pedals or soar feet because of thin steel plates of cheap road pedals.
Thanks to a nice girl in U.K. I was able to get a pair.
Small Christophe toe clips were at least as hard to find as the pedals, but finally I found a NOS pair at an Ebay shop, also U.K.
Together with a new pair of leather toe straps, the pedals and clips have been installed on the small Giant TCR 24" road bike and my son has used it a couple of times already. Of course, he wasn't used to toe clips or any other foot retention system on a bike, but with a little help and extra attention, it works out well. He's able to engage his feet within the 1st pedal stroke already!