The front part is covered with a plastic streamline, leather finished and decorated with some brass coloured accents.
It feels like every other Concor and if there is any aerodynamic advantage is the question. Maybe for a world class athlete, but certainly not for me.
But is was simple a saddle that absolutely had to top a time trial bike in the early 1980s.
These Profil saddles are a lot more rare than Supercorsa and Confort, certainly if you want one in good condition. It's because for most people an Aero saddle didn't make a lot of sense, so the quantity produced and sold is a lot lower than the regular models. And, besides the common problems of all saddles (ripped and torn covers, scratched or damaged edges), many Profile saddles have lost or damaged the brass "Profil" letters and the center rail.
The ones that are okay, especially the new ones, are terribly expensive.
I was so lucky to put my hands on this saddle, that I found on the Italian Ebay page. It was affordable and in excellent condition.
Absolutely a very nice extension to my collection.