Look what I've found on the yearly bike jumble in Rommerskirchen, Germany, last Sunday: a new pair of Aerolote pedals.
(One of) the lightest bicycle pedals in the world, very simple design and great cornering clearance.
I didn't have the chance to ride these pedals yet and I probably never will. This is typically something for collectors. According to most people who really rode these pedals, these are very inconvenient or even very dangerous.
Cleat assembly is very difficult (with screws that go directly into the soles of the shoes), walking nearly impossible, hard to engage and (what I can imagine) too easy to dismount accidentally.
Aerolites were one of the first clipless pedal systems. These pedals are around since 1979.
These pedals are pretty similar to Elger pedals, Lyotard PL 2000 and Gobbi pedals, but in fact they are all different.
Piet van Katwijk RIP
4 weeks ago