There is still some work to do, but overall it looks better now.
What have I done this time?.
Now Old Stock Selle San Marco Concor Junior saddle from the 1980s. Much nicer and better looing than the previous Concor light.
Aluminium seat post, quill type. Unfortunately still this type without a "patent" type saddle clamp. Still looking for that, diameter 26.0 or 26.2 mm.
Replaced the foolish Alhonga brake levers for more period correct Shimano Z-series brake levers with non-aero cable routing. To enable my son to reach the lever blades, I filed of some material from the bottom of the lever brackets, so they come a bit closer to the handlebars. Works great, never thought of this before!
EDIT: I must remove more, since the reach is still too much...
Brake calipers replaced with Shimano 105 series: BR-1050. Now it's more (but still not 100%) period correct and in line with the rest of the (shifting) parts.
Everything fits and works perfectly now.
This week I have to glue the tubular tyres and, if the weather is nice, we'll take the bike out for a classic bike tour and show off next Sunday!
This bike on Velospace
Piet van Katwijk RIP
4 weeks ago